Friday, March 13, 2009

Best Lunch Ever!!!

okay so that may have been a little dramatic, but i really did have a splendid lunch and lunchtime. for starters, i ate my barley-mushroom-kale-and chicken soup before i actually went to lunch. so i got that out of the way then i went to 7-11 and got some gas and stuff (no cigs-yay). next i headed over to roosevelt park and did a 30 minute walk w/cool down and all. it was sooooo nice looking at the trees and all the creepy old men just sitting in their cars on the perimeter of the park. this might help me with my homeless issue as well. if i become a regular maybe i'll start to get to know the peeps who kick it at the park. it could be like the stardust days and Slim. I wonder if he's still around Spudnuts asking for money and prefacing that request with a long story of his woes?

i razzle before the walk so that i can focus on the walk and the nature...then i razzle after as well...and now i'm back at work. i clocked in at the exact right time that i had to.

now i'm wondering what i should do after work today because it's friday bitches....
options (may combine)
1. record store (want to get the latest Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks record)
2. old town-ppl watching and doodling
3. walk by the river/nature trails
4. la montanita co-op-need more kefir and buckwheat..probs some more kale and onions
5. i would put get a drink up here but i know i won't do that...bummer
6. bookstore?
7. guild cinema-movies at 7:30 and 10pmish
8. ??????
9. lucky #9=clean house (really need to do this)

now it's time t work....desafortunadamente


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