Tuesday, March 24, 2009


one minute i'm down, the next i'm up...one minute i don't want to work out, the next i wish i was...i don't know what's going on with me. Anywho, i burnt my tongue with my green tea....blargh.

so i was thinking about going to the coffee shop today but i think i'll be going to the park to walk instead. i'm not feeling 100% or even 90% cute today and i don't want to go into the lion's den unprepared.

i've been telling more people about my change in lifestyle...about trying to get healthy and lose weight. this is a good thing because i'm now more accountable, but then i also feel more pressure, even though i shouldn't. i'm not doing it for anyone but me, but since i've blabbed about it already i feel like i need to keep trucking and really give it my all. One of my friends is already thinking of a smaller rachel...now that i think about it, that's a good idea. i need to use more visualization. i also need to get my bike fixed....i want to ride it by the river...what what?

maybe i can get that done this week and be on the bike by friday. then i have to get that toy car out of the elliptical so i can finally use it...no excuses. the excuse i use most is that i have to clean before i do things. par example, my car is a hot mess, my laundry is all over the hall, another hot mess, the bathroom needs a scrubdown, the garage is crazy and there are weeds outside calling me to pull them. in conclusion i have lots of shit to do so i need to make a schedule to tackle it all. wow, i'm coming up with pretty good ideas to get it done and do things i want to do as well. I just finished reading my friends blog so i think that helped. It was about stuff you learn in therapy.

http://whoneedstherapy.com/ ?????? i do

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