Monday, March 30, 2009


my bro asked me what i wanted to do on saturday, my b-day. i thought that was nice of him. i told him he could invite his friends to his house and we could drink, i guess. i don't want to go out to eat, because that would defeat the purpose of eating healthy. i guess w/drinking at home i could buy that lite beer. when i told him about the lite beer, he laughed. if this was 1 year ago i would laugh too. lord know i loved the drink, but like i said, the drink is better with friends, so this get together would be mostly for him to hang out w/his buds...and that's cool. i just wish he had single friends that i could feel up. i've got an idea....since it'll be my b-day, instead of them hitting me 26 times, maybe i can spank the cute ones...if there will be any...there's the dangers of alcohol...w/enough beer anyone is cute...

anywho, i just remembered that i bought a ticket to April's First Friday Fractal show....woo... ckeck it out yo.

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