Friday, March 13, 2009


i had way higher hopes for my most recent BM. oh wells...1.5 hours left...still a change to redeem myself.

ooh i just remembered...i finally talked to my neighbors again, whom i've been avoiding cuz i was in hardcore hermit phase...but anywho, i visited with them last night and we caught up and stuff...then bette told me about this doctor she's seeing, a practitioner of eastern medicine.... BM story reminded me of him because he asks about that stuff...i'm prepared to answer that question...i need to make an appointment. maybe he can help lose weight w/some chinese herbs, accupuncture and meditation...sounds like fun.

the back to work for reals...

i hate feeling like my coworkers might now i'm going in there for a BM....oh wells
everyone poops.


Anonymous said...

BM=beard man? where are you going for this BM??? no comprendo, yo.

der hasser said...

bowel movement