Tuesday, March 17, 2009

holy crow it's a slow day

well, i guess things are slowing down here now....i don't want to think what this means though...

anywho...homeboy at the record store through in this record The Inner Mounting Flame by the Mahavishnu Orchestra for frizzle, because i was getting another record by them. he said there was one song that was amazing. it's called You Know You Know...
good song name. anywho, i listened to it on the record and really enjoyed it. it is long.

So i made the barley soup again last night, but i don't think it turned out as good as the first time. For starters, this time i used collard greens instead of kale...i used a variety of dried mushrooms and fresh mushrooms...and no chicken this time. So basically it's a weird mushroom soup. And i say 'weird' because these mushrooms do look kind of frightening floating in the soup. Perhaps i should've chopped them up. Oh wells...

If i have time, tonight I am going to make the corn soup.

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