Monday, March 2, 2009

i love beatles covers.

this is what i discovered today when i found myself buying this record:

the last puff
Spooky Tooth
Featuring Mike Harrison

i bought this when i saw their first song: I Am The Walrus. good times. they're pretty good. this is good lets get fucked up music...but then again, what isn't? anywhozer, i also got some
Neil Young-Are You Passionate?(newer stuff)
Why?-Alopecia (i'm looking forward to this one)
Yes-The Yes Album
The Chocolate Jam Co.-The Spread of the Future,
Warren Zevon (this might be iffy...we'll see, it's kind of countryish but one of the songs sounded good).

Have i mentioned i love buying records. The only thing that is missing to make the perfect record listening experience is someone or something to flip the record over when it's done...and put the next one on while they're at it.

The ceviche turned out pretty good. Not sure what to make next. i'm jonesing a smoothie.

i don't know how but i ended up on this video. then i watched it. that is all.

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