Monday, March 23, 2009

I declare the war is over

I love Phil Ochs...thanks to that one dude i met randomly through the internet many moons ago. If i think about tracing back where things came from, it can get interesting. i've been thinking about memories and objects and how they become meaningful. Today during my walk, when Tree asked for a hug, after he was commenting on my t-shirt that had a tree on it. I can now say something interesting happened to me in that shirt. There is now a memory to go with it. I won't forget Tree, the cute, bearded, tall, deep-voiced, shirtless homeless dude.

Or right...i was going to talk about things i wish i could do. I wish i could somehow thin down peanut butter and stick it in a spraw bottle of sorts so that i could spray it onto popcorn. This is what i think about. I've tried dipping the popcorn in the peanut butter but it takes too long and the PB is too hard...the corn breaks.

I need to find other things to think about.

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